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Egypt MobiLusso Furniture Company
Antique furniture, hand carved furniture, antique chairs, bedroom, dining roo...
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A Fine Louis XV Style Gilt Bronze 'Bombe' Pedestal-Stand

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Title: A Fine Louis XV Style Gilt Bronze 'Bombe' Pedestal-Stand 
Unit price: Negotiable
MOQ: Negotiable
Quantity: Negotiable
Delivery date: Since the payment date Days delivery

Contact: Sonia (Ms.)     

Agent: China Henan Xinxiang Keji Co., Ltd.


French Louis XV Antique bombe Pedestal Stand, with green marbletop, beautifully hand painted inlay with Gilt-ronze mounted.

MobiLusso & Co.
Luxury Handmade furniture & Antiques - Interior design.
- An Egyptian company, founded in June 2007 in Damietta, Egypt.
Since then, we relied on two-pronged strategy;
Pay attention to product quality and maintain the best price -Delivery on time.

Our production lines:
- Luxury Italian furniture; Hand-painted , Art Deco, massivefurniture.
- Reproduction French antique furniture; Marquetry with brass(bronze), Louis XIV, Louis XV, Louis XVI, Regency, Empire styles,Rococo, Bombe style...
- Chairs, armchairs in Italian & French style - wood carvedfurniture.
- Hotel furnishings and modern , Classic furnishings.
"Tutti i nostri prodotti sono fatti a mano, modelli delle nostrelinee di produzioni sono mobili italiani; Dipinto a mano , Artdeco, mobili voluminosi, riproduzione i mobili dei francesi ;Intarsiatura con ottone (bronzo), Louis XVI, Louis XV, reggenza,legno ha intagliato la mobilia, stili dell''impero - sedie italianee francese - arredamento dell''albergo ed arredamento moderno eclassico".

All of our products are handmade and natural paints;
- EU quality standards.
- No limit in model and color selection.
- Your exclusive designs/models can be manufactured.
- Useing modern technology in manufacturing.

Please check our site to see new products , production method andmore
- Website: http://mobilusso.com
- FAQ: http://www.mobilusso.com/mobilusso/faq.html
- Headquarter: : Mehwar street, Ring Road
34511 Damietta - Egypt.
- Factory and warehouse:
In front of The Port near New Damietta city, Egypt.

We highly appreciate your interest in furniture, so any inquiries ,ideas or suggestions
will be considered carefully before we reply and contact you withthe information,
We are always at your service ..

A Fine Louis XV Style Gilt Bronze 'Bombe' Pedestal-Stand
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